Tobacco Advertisement
…All over the world, especially in the civilized countries we can observe the tendency of growing antismoking campaign.
The tobacco advertisement became one of the serious problems. The result of the world’s approach to this problem was the
signing of the Convection of Tobacco Control by 171 countries. The Convention has recognized that the total ban of the tobacco
advertisement, promotion, and sponsorship leads to reduction of the consumption of the tobacco products…
…The tobacco companies also argue that their advertisement targets only adults. But, unfortunately,
the statistics shows that people usually start to smoke in their youth and very seldom after they turn 20. According to this,
it is very important for tobacco industry to attract teenagers, because they are potential smokers and can bring the future
profit for the tobacco companies…
…I also believed that aim of tobacco advertisement was not to attract potential smokers, but to encourage
already existing smokers to be loyal to the same brand or switch to another. But it is not true. The companies that produce tobacco
products state that they need advertisement to compete with each other for existing smokers. However, the actual aim of advertisement
is to increase the demand and market share. Besides, in Japan there is no competition among tobacco companies, because there is a
tobacco monopoly. Still they have tobacco advertisement…
Death penalty and killing in war
…There are also different views at killing at war. Someone said that terrorists in one country are defenders
of independence and national heroes in another. In the same way killings by soldiers who defend their country are considered
justified, whereas killings of invaders are of course unjust. Many people think that it is just and moral to kill others to
protect one’s country, whereas the same people may se no real reason for death penalty and be opposed to it. Death penalty and
killing in war are similar in the way that they are justified by government even though they may or may not be justified by society…